Dear Readers and Friends, It's done!!

Conversations With US (Vol. 2) - American Southwest is getting bound into its cover in East Peoria, IL as I type these words. I am so excited to get my hands on a copy. I expect many of you are, too, and rest assured: we're on track for a March 19th release date, so it won't be long now. In the meantime, here's an insider's look at the back cover, the info sheet I send to bookstores, and a really cool volume preview page that didn't appear in CWU (Vol. 1) - Great Lakes States, but will appear in American Southwest and all future volumes:
These tidbits are all well and good but, as you know from Great Lakes States, the hard-earned miles and authentic American stories spread among the book's pages are what will draw you into American Southwest. If you haven't yet read Great Lakes States, click here to listen to my day in Detroit from the audiobook version, or head over to the website's book page to view samples of both print volumes, where you can also pre-order an autographed copy of American Southwest (with free shipping using coupon code FIRST100). If you prefer a Kindle ebook version, you can pre-order that on Amazon right now, for delivery on March 19th. The print version will also be available on Amazon shortly thereafter.
Here comes the fun part: I also want to offer something special to those of you who have been kind enough with your time to read this far. I am considering placing a digital PDF copy of American Southwest for sale here on the website, for those who prefer to read on an electronic device but don't like the way ebooks sometimes shuffle around text. If you're one of these folks, or if you just can't wait to take a ride through the chaparral and desert, you can count among the first to read American Southwest by ordering your pre-release PDF copy right now at a discounted rate. Depending on the feedback that I hope you'll offer after taking a look, I may make this a permanent option, but for now it will be available only for the rest of this week. This digital copy is a clone of the print version, but is full of extra content that you can access online to enrich your journey. It's best viewed on computers and medium-to-large tablets or e-readers that can display PDF files using a program like Adobe. Click here to order and download your copy.
I want to thank all of you so much for your continued encouragement and support during this phase of my journey. I hope what you discover in American Southwest leaves you feeling like it was well worth the trip.