CWU's Summer 2020 Update
Dear Readers and Friends of CWU, The world has changed since you heard from me last. In early March 2020, as I sat typing my previous...

CWU - American Southwest Goes To Press
Dear Readers and Friends, It's done!! Conversations With US (Vol. 2) - American Southwest is getting bound into its cover in East...

Summer Recap
With cooling evenings, school in session, and pumpkin spice everything already cramming store shelves, it's easy to forget we're still in...

Conversations With US - Inaugural Book Tour
The first Conversations With US book tour begins in a few days, rolling through the Great Lakes States to trace much of that route in...

Explore the Great Lakes States with CWU's First Book
Last week, my company Spoke & Word Books released the first volume of the CWU series. It was quite the event. Many, many thanks to...

CWU - Great Lakes States is on the way!
After several years, thousands of miles, dozens of states, scores of flat tires, hundreds of interviews, millions of crankset...

Release Date: March 19, 2019
It’s official! Two months from today CWU’s first volume will transition from pedal to print. I am so very grateful to all of you for your...

Big Skies & Rocky Mountains Tour Summary, Part 2
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I wanted to get this update out before folks sit down at the dinner table with their families. Now, when...

Big Skies & Rocky Mountains Tour Summary, Part 1
I recently wrapped up a 1,750-mile tour through CWU states 45-49: Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Utah, & Colorado. It was the final big ride of...

CWU Tour #9: Big Skies & Rocky Mountains
It's almost time to get high. CWU's final multi-state tour launches next week in Casper, Wyoming, taking my pal and I through Big Sky...